Thursday, May 8, 2008

When In Doubt - Grapevine!!

It was raining this morning, and in keeping with the spirit of mixing up my workouts, I decided to try out the aerobics section of my Denise Austin Personal Training System DVD. (Yes, that is Jane Fonda, but since she was the first aerobicizer, I figured I'd put her picture up.)

Anyway, the workout started off fine with some marching in place and high steps, but then she moved into this very confusing routine of chasse/kick-step, charleston, "rainbow arms" and kept changing the routine just as I'd gotten used to it.  So, I decided I'd let Denise and her girls do their thing, and I'd do mine. So I grape-vined my little heart out, mixing it up with some heel taps, some kicks, some knee lifts, different arm combinations, jogging in place, a shimmy here and there, the works.  And you know what? I got an awesome workout. My heart rate was up, I was sweating and I felt great. 

After the 25 minutes of aerobics, I did the low intensity arms and lower body, which were still a great workout despite being called "low intensity." It just meant that the arm work was done in the chair or lying down, and the lower body was done on the ground with leg lifts and bridge pose and hamstring curls.  I skipped the abs because I was out of time, but will do those when I get home. 

Now my stomach is growling like crazy. I had 2 small eggs and a bit of avocado in a tortilla for breakfast.  And for lunch I have some carrot sticks, and a steak/farro/curry mixture.  It is a sort of "empty out all the remnants in the fridge for lunch" sort of day. But I might have to eat my lunch right now. Or at least part of it. I wish I had some yogurt.  Or peanut butter with my carrot sticks.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

That picture is awesome - I laughed out loud. Praise the grapevine, aerobics in the 80s would have been no where without it.

I'm cooking beets for the first time today.