Monday, July 6, 2009

No Way I Can't Do This

Down another .2 this morning from Friday. I think the hour of yoga on Sunday morning helped, the Solar Practice from Yoga Sanctuary. For some reason when I do that practice I just keep going. Maybe because most of it is done on the floor... but it is such a nice workout and I can feel my legs getting stronger and my muscles getting more flexible. I also took a few walks with the dog, and lifted my hand weights and did my sit ups.

There was a little party on Sunday and I brought the veggie tart with bacon which disappeared in a flash, and there was corn and some chicken wings and rose' so I think my calories were all where they were supposed to be.

This morning I just did the weights and sit ups and will talk the dog on a walk when I get home.

I have a client meeting at 6:30 which means I had to plan more snacks for work so I'm not ravenous when I get home (or while I'm meeting with my clients.)

Here's what I brought (breakfast was english muffin with almond butter):
Veggie tart slice (sadly, no bacon in this one)
Carrot sticks
Almond butter & jam on english muffin
Some crunchy cereal

All of that plus breakfast puts me at about 1000 calories, so I should be fine until I get home and have something for dinner. I also have some dried bing cherries.

I know I can do this, and I make sure I can do this by planning and doing.

1 comment:

Loo said...


I am here with you all the way! Also logging in spark too. I love the insight into HOW i spend my calories!