Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why Walk When You Can Fly?

Crow pose yesterday. Along with lots of plank, chaturanga with no need for bent knees(!) and more things to make my core stronger.

Then a little after work stroll with Stacey which was actually a 2 hour walk on the beach. Towards the end my legs were feeling a little lopsided from the sloping sand so we got back on the pavement.

Today my entire body is feeling yesterdays work outs. The level 2/3 yoga class is today at 10:30am, but I think I have to skip it.

Dinner was cheese and crackers and a little wine at an open house afterwards. I seriously need to clean my kitchen and buy some groceries so that I can have actually dinner.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to yoga! And then the farmer's market for veggies and homemade pasta and coffee and flowers!

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