Wednesday, July 7, 2010


My priority right now is not learning to run. It is swimming when the tides are right (like tonight, choppy but warm), biking, doing yoga and hiking. There isn't time to spend doing something I don't enjoy which could negatively impact my doing of the things I do enjoy by making my legs sore or cutting into my time to do those things.

Maybe in the fall or winter, when it's colder and I can't swim and it's dark so I don't want to bike, then I'll start running. But right now it would not be a beneficial addition to my life. And I'm ok with that.

My desire to do a triathlon could probably be met by doing a bike ride with a group or something like that.

So, I shall save Week1Day2 of C25k for some day in the future.

For now, I have a hike to plan, a bike to put away and a swim suit to hang on the line.

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